With your help - a little goes a long way!

There are so many deserving causes... this year in particular
The Portreeve often uses their time in office to raise funds for a local cause, charity or project. The problem is, I’ve found it really difficult to pick out a single cause that I want to support. There are so many deserving causes and, this year in particular, so many that need our support.
So back in December I asked members of the community to tell me about organisations, causes or projects that they would like me to support. I soon had a list of around a dozen causes and started getting in touch with as many as possible to find out what is needed.
"Support" doesn't necessarily mean thousands of pounds - in many cases the amounts we are talking about are small but make big impact to the people that are benefiting. I also learned that in some cases, "support" can mean just turning up and donating time, a particular skill, a helping hand or even just spreading awareness.
I will try to support all suggested causes with your help
I now have a list of causes and projects that I hope to support.
Ashburton Community Care & Moor Social
Ashburton History Museum
Ashburton Swimming Pool
Bank Youth Project
Barn Owl Trust
Dartmoor Search & Rescue Team
Defibrillators in the town
Hedgehogs Parent & Toddler Group
Memory Cafe
Royal British Legion
St Andrews Churchyard Improvements
It's a big list so supporting them all during my year in office is ambitious, but I've said all along that I will try to support all suggested causes - but I will need your help!
I'm still talking to some organisations about their needs and will write about each organisation, cause or project as I gather this information so that you know how your donations will be used.
The first fundraisers are being planned - keep an eye out for the "Bailiff's Byngo & Game Show" and the "Portreeve's Pick" which will involve a number of businesses in and around Ashburton. The Portreeve's "Pride and Joy" moor otter will be out and about too, collecting any spare change you may have. If all goes to plan - we'll have a fun year and make a positive difference to the community!